Ming & Ping’s The Darkness of Night Cover Art

Ming & Ping "The Darkness of Night" Cover Art

Here is the final cover photo for Ming & Ping’s new EP “The Darkness of Night” shot by Marianne Williams. The outfits were designed and made with the help of Donna Pungprechawat of ReMADE Studios and Ryan Vasquez. We built more sculptural pieces, but ended up using the more toned down pieces because they fit the setting a little better. We also ended up not going with the warmer “Jan Saudek” color style, but instead used a cooler, blueish cross-process feel. It seemed to fit the mood better and show more of the environment and wardrobe detail better too. So I guess it proves that the initial idea doesn’t always translate best in execution.

The record itself is not bad either – download it from iTunes or CD Baby. Enjoy. :)